Artist: Modern Talking
Track: Jet Airliner - Radio Version
mood: positive
BPM: 120
lenght: 4 minutes and 21 seconds
track key: D
mode: minor
energy: high
danceable: very
time signature: 4
Jet Airliner - Radio Version by Modern Talking is a positive track that is 4 minutes and 21 seconds long with a 4 time signature. It has a tempo of 120 BPM which gives it a very feel. In the D key and minor mode, this song has high energy. With its catchy beat and very nature, Jet Airliner - Radio Version is sure to get listeners moving.
BPM (Beats Per Minute) - This measures the speed or tempo of a song. It counts how many beat pulses or clicks occur in one minute of music. The higher the BPM, the faster the music. Anything below 100 BPM usually feels slow, while anything over 130 BPM tends to feel fast. Most pop songs are between 100-130 BPM. You can tap your foot along to get a sense of a song's BPM.
Key - The key identifies the main scale and central note that a song revolves around. It's what gives a track its main tonal color or feeling. Popular keys are C major, G major, A minor etc. Major keys tend to sound brighter and upbeat. Minor keys sound darker and sadder.
Mode - This tells us if a key is major (happier) or minor (sadder). It adds an extra layer to the tonal quality. Songs can switch modes halfway through.
Energy - How intensely a song feels in terms of activity and layers. High energy songs feel busier, denser, and more lively. Low energy is more laidback and sparse. Uptempo songs tend to have more energy.
Danceability - Essentially how danceable a song is. Songs with steady, emphatic beats and rhythms are more danceable. Funk, disco, and electronic music often have high danceability. Slower songs have lower danceability.
Time Signature - The rhythmic pattern of beats in each bar or measure of music. This is written like a fraction, e.g. 4/4, and tells you how many beats per bar. 4/4 is the most common, with 4 beats per bar. Waltzes are in 3/4 time.